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Aluminium Door Channels

Our aluminium door channel is 18mm thick laminated board. It is 8mm toughened glass with powder-coated aluminium channel running through four sides. Doors can be fixed to the aluminium door frame with normal SS hinges and door closure. Our aluminium door channels also make your fixing work quite easier. We pick high-quality materials to manufacture the door channels. Hence, our product has a longer life span and utmost consistency. We utilize modern technologies for manufacturing purposes. It also comes in the preferred shape with the right finish. Our product is very easy to handle. So, you don’t have to strain hard while handling it. We usually design our product according to the customer’s expectations.

Unique Features

Our aluminium door channels are designed in the right manner to easily fit the aluminium door frames. We choose the high-quality and right composition of aluminium to make the product highly efficient. Hence, choosing our aluminium door channels is always the right choice. Thus, our product has a wide range of unique features.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our product is very easy and simple to handle. We design it accordingly to give the best performance.
It has an 18mm thick lamination board and 8mm toughened glass. Hence, the product will resist damage and stay strong.
Yes. Our aluminium channel can be fixed to the aluminium door frame effortlessly.
We utilize the best in the industry methods to make the product work efficiently for a longer period.